Samuel Heath & Sons PLC is listed on the AIM market.
View QCA Corporate Governance Code Disclosure.
This information in this section of the website is disclosed in accordance with AIM Rule 26. The information was last modified on 5th February 2025 .
The Company reviews various scenarios from a risk point of view to assess and address relevant risks identified.
Formalised reviews and inspections are undertaken across the business and communicated together at regular meetings. The Company holds ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management certification.
There is a formalised Risk Assessment process of grading and recording risks and attending to any issues for the whole business, which includes involvement of the relevant works committee representatives.
The Board monitors the results of the business monthly against forecast, investigating variations and challenging direction.
Policies are obtained where cost effective for risk beyond statutory minimums, such as Credit and Cyber insurance.
Exporting to a variety of markets spreads the currency exposure of the business, and the Board monitors exchange rates and takes out forward contracts when it deems appropriate.
The Company keeps in close contact with critical suppliers, reviewing quality and service levels.
The Company is in regular contact with customers directly and through our representatives to monitor their requirements and give feedback on their consumers’ preferences and aspirations.
The Company has its own in-house design department and meets regularly with outside technicians and designers to help maintain a contemporary product portfolio. This ensures the pipeline of NPD and R&D secures the future success of the business.
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