Samuel Heath & Sons PLC is listed on the AIM market.
View QCA Corporate Governance Code Disclosure.
This information in this section of the website is disclosed in accordance with AIM Rule 26. The information was last modified on 5th February 2025 .
The Company promotes honesty and integrity in all its dealings.
In order to achieve this the Board provides strategic leadership for the Company and operates within the scope of a robust corporate governance framework. Its purpose is to ensure the delivery of long-term shareholder value, which involves setting the culture, values and practices that operate throughout the business. The Board defines a series of matters reserved for its decision and has approved terms of reference for its Audit and Remuneration Committees to which certain responsibilities are delegated.
The Remuneration Committee sets and reviews the compensation of executive directors including the setting of performance frameworks for bonuses.
Neither its directors nor management have significant interests in its suppliers or customers.
Personnel policies and procedures include:-
The Works Committee discusses relevant issue affecting all employees.
The business embeds principles into its processes and dealings through Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 compliance and where necessary via mandatory industry standards and certification schemes.
Company representatives meet with customers to discuss any issues and communicate with senior management on a regular basis.
Suppliers also have relationships with both the Purchasing department and senior management.
Compliance with the QCA code is cascaded through management.
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